ARIMA and Online Learning in Financial Forecasting

I discuss the development of an online learning system using the Jane Street Real-Time Market Data Forecasting challenge as a practice ground for time-series forecasting. The project involves predicting the responder_6 variable using an ARIMA model, with a focus on adapting to new data by re-training the model whenever a new date_id is encountered. This approach leverages multiprocessing to meet strict time constraints

Walk Forward Validation on Jane Street Real-Time Market Data Forecast

Walk Forward Validation (WFV) involves a training window that moves forward in time, training the model on historical data and then validating it on future, unseen data points. Unlike traditional cross-validation where data is randomly split, WFV respects the sequence of time, making it ideal for datasets with time-dependent features like stock prices, weather patterns, or sales figures.

How to override a method of instantiated object in python

In this post, I describe how I overcame AWS login challenges in a coding competition by using a method override trick. By defining a new function for authentication and dynamically replacing the existing method in an instantiated object, I was able to experiment with the Embedchain package without altering its class definition. This technique allowed for seamless integration with AWS services and added a valuable tool to my programming arsenal.

How to override Django-Allauth default templates

The Problem:

I chose the package ‘django-allauth’ to help me with the login management of a SaaS code base that I am building. All my installed packages are inside of my virtual environment folder (venv) inside my project folder.

I had already created a base layout for the landing page. However, after installing the ‘django-allauth’ and configuring it, I noticed that the login page did not inherited the layout configuration from my base template.