Category: Django
How to use Azure Communication Services to send email in a Django application
I wanted to share my recent experience with setting up email sending in my Django application, which I’m deploying on Azure Web Apps. Since I’m using django-allauth for authentication, I needed to ensure that the email confirmation and password reset workflows were properly configured. After some research, I found a solution that worked well for me.
Create dependent dropdown with Django and HTMX
Recently, I faced the challenge of creating dynamic, interdependent form fields in my Django application. After some trial and error, I found a solution using Django and HTMX that I’d like to share. This combination allowed for seamless, server-side updates without full page reloads, significantly enhancing the user experience and performance of my application.
How to override Django-Allauth default templates
The Problem:
I chose the package ‘django-allauth’ to help me with the login management of a SaaS code base that I am building. All my installed packages are inside of my virtual environment folder (venv) inside my project folder.
I had already created a base layout for the landing page. However, after installing the ‘django-allauth’ and configuring it, I noticed that the login page did not inherited the layout configuration from my base template.